
Application background

Lithium salt solution purification is a very important link in the production of lithium carbonate / lithium hydroxide (to ensure that the impurity content meets the quality standard). It is usually necessary to remove impurities such as calcium, magnesium, silicon, boron and aluminum. At present, it is difficult to ensure effective and stable product quality by using the traditional precipitation method; With the development of membrane technology, membrane technology can solve the purification of the following products.

Technological Process


Technical Advantages

1 It can be applied to magnesium lithium separation in Salt Lake, lithium hydroxide impurity removal and lithium bicarbonate membrane impurity removal.

2 The purified product is stable and the impurity content can reach below 5pmm;

3 Low equipment investment and stable and reliable operation.

4 Low operation cost and no secondary pollution of products;

5 The single transfer yield of lithium salt is high, up to 90-95%;

Sichuan sidaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
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+86 189-8175-1540
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